Selasa, 30 Juli 2013

The Early November

Nengok kalender.. 

Early November dari mana? Masih tanggal tgl 31 Juli kaliii..

Gw lagi buka kumpulan lagu-lagu lama gw di external hard disk.. Ooooh memori.. Kau membuaaaat.. Luka lamaaaa.. *ga tau lagi kelanjutan liriknya..>.<

Aih dulu gw keren sekali, fufufu.. Esebenernya ade-ade gw yang keren sih soalnya gw biasanya dapet referensi band-band dari mereka.. Gw tuh sok anti mainsteram gitu deeeeh.. Wahahaha.. Begitu lagu-lagu dari band yang dulu gw suka ditauin sama khalayak rame, gw langsung males dengerin.. Belagu abis!

Ini salah satu band yang gw suka dalam tahap cuma-suka-lagu-yang-dikasih-tau-ade-ade-gw, bukan tahap gw-apal-nama-personel-album-sejarah-terbentuknya..

Gambar dari sini

The Early November, band American pop-punk dari Hammonton, New Jersey. Terbentuk tahun 1999. Ternyata sempet bubar tahun 2007 dan reunian lagi plus bikin album baru tahun 2011.. Semua info tinggal baca di Wiki.. :p. Vokalisnya sempet punya side project, I Can Make a Mess Like Nobody's Business yang gw juga cukup suka lagu-lagunya.. Sampe sekarang pun band ini tetep jalan tapi yang namanya saya sekarang sudah jadi Mahmud Abas, udah susah update band-band macem gini.. Paling banter top 40 di radio aja.. Sedihnya, hiks.. I am now just a common people like everybody else *apamaksud*

Please enjoy some of their songs..

2 lagu pertama adalah lagu The Early November.. Lagu pertama didengerin kalo abis ditinggalin pacar sambil iris-iris nadi dengan air mata bercucuran, hohoho.. Lagu kedua pasnya buat ngetawain mantan yang ternyata abis mutusin kita, hidupnya malah ancur-ancuran, sukurin..*pengalaman pribadi nih yeeee..*

"Come Back"

Looking in your eyes
Praising every moment because you're my only light
Reading through stares at your passion that bears me now
Shedding no little tears
The silence scares us more than leaving could

Come back
Please don't leave me now
I'll be all that you need in life
Because I can't live without you and
I know all that you need
I can give you everything
When you're so far you'll forget about me

Waiting by your side
Knowing every moment is closer to your flight
Upset with the past, but it's all that holds us now
Believing no lies, telling each other we'll be fine forever


But I'll wait
I could never leave those beautiful eyes
I know you're sorry
I know what you must be going through
And I feel sorry for you

But please don't leave me now [x3]

"I Want To Hear You Sad"

these eyes they're strongly covered in disguise
they're waiting on the real time again 
you'll see that no one knows for sure

for all of this
i'm better off without you
do you regret all
your loneliness

this ride is drifting slowly to the side
we're swerving off the road
going past the cones that warned us from the start

for all of this
i'm better off without you
do you regret all
your loneliness

for all of this
i'm better off without you
do you regret all
your loneliness

(every day goes, every night goes)
on and on we sing this song 
the entire day that's oh so long
every night we sing this song for you

for all of this
i'm better off without you
do you regret all
your loneliness

for all of this
i'm better off without you
do you regret all
your loneliness

Lagu terakhir dari I Can Make a Mess Like Nobody's Business.. Lagunya enak banget buat joget-joget kecil sambil head banging. Kalo ditilik lagu ini sepertinya bermakna, kita harus ambil kesempatan selagi masih ada sebelum semuanya terlambat.. Ya ga seeeh?

"The Best Happiness Money Can Buy"

Time goes by, 
And we watch our lives,
As they're sadly slipping away.
Alone, we cry.

So follow that tune quickly 
Or you'll lose the melody you never heard 
When you were young you didn't care.
It's the one that stole your fathers pride,
That mighty mighty dollar sign.
These are the things that matter now,
So sing along and be...

Prepared to jump,
When the ship has sunk,
And you're slowly watching it drown.
Alone, you cry.

So follow that tune quickly 
Or you'll lose the melody you never heard 
When you were young you didn't care.
It's the one that stole your fathers pride,
That mighty mighty dollar sign.
These are the things that matter now,
So sing along and be prepared.

Maybe we, care about too much 
Time we lost in in spite we run,
That night, but you know i'm wrong.

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