Sabtu, 29 Juni 2013

Recipe: Spicy Crema Aglio Olio

Let's move a couple centuries back...

In a city called Abruzzo, an isolated vicinity about 50 miles (about 80 km) east of Rome.. They were ridden by poverty so they could not afford any meat to consume, not even cheese. But they gotta eat so they create a dish with only two main ingredients, garlic and olive oil. The dish became popular across the country and people start to add another ingredients to make it more tasty, like grated cheese, chili flakes, parsley. Fortunately, these days, Abruzzo has experienced significant growth and is currently considered one of the most thriving areas in the country. Huraah!

Meanwhile, in year 2013..

Location: my kitchen

I usualy spice the original Aglio Olio by adding some tuna flakes.. So it makes Tuna Aglio Olio.. The original recipe came from my little sister. I didn't got any canned tuna at that time but I want some protein in my Aglio Olio. The only protein in my fridge was eggs so I came up with some idea to mix Carbonara sauce with Aglio Olio. The original recipe of Carbonara Sauce is using raw eggs, not heavy cream.

  • Spaghetti for 1 portion (100 gr, more or less)
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • 1/2 onion
  • 2 tablespoon of olive oil
  • 2 lime leaves
  • 3 chopped chilli flakes
  • 1 stalk of lemongrass, crush the white part with mortar
  • 1 beaten egg, put it in a medium large bowl
  • Salt and pepper

  • Cook spaghetti in boiling water until al dente. Drain well, set aside.
  • Heat the olive oil in a pan and put chopped onion until its translucent.
  • Add chopped garlic, chili flakes, crushed lemongrass and lime leaves until you can smell the fragrance.
  • Toss spaghetti into the pan, add salt and pepper to taste.
  • Place the spaghetti in the bowl with the eggs and stir vigorously and immediately. The heat of the pasta will cook the eggs into a sauce, but if you don’t move quickly they will be less sauce and more clumps of cooked eggs in among the spaghetti.
  • Put them in plate and add some grated parmesan if you have some.

Yummy, creamy and spicy! Just the way I like it!

2 komentar:

  1. whoaaa.. english!!! melebarkan sayap pembaca nih! eh kak, aku barusan dikasih ibuku spageti yang bentuknya ABC itu loooh!! kayanya aku bakalan oprek kaya giniii..

    1. Ngahahaha.. Ga sering-sering deh postingan bahasa Inggris.. Spaghetti apa tuh bentuk ABC? Ogran yah?
